Aberle Genealogy


We do not charge for:

Discussing with you whether or not to hire us

Preparation of our scope of work agreement with you

We charge based on the number of hours worked, as follows:

$60 per hour — senior researcher

Hours are billed in one tenth (1/10) hour increments

Travel time is billable


Customer loyalty!  1% for each 10 billable hours (up to 10%)

10% senior discount!  This is applicable on billable hours to those who are 65 and better

We also bill for actual expenses, which may include, but are not limited to:

Automobile travel (at IRS business use vehicle "per mile" rates), parking fees, and tolls

Other transportation (rickshaw, horse, stage coach, taxi, bus, ferry, train, aircraft, ship, hovercraft, spaceship, etc.)

Meals during travel exceeding 400 furlongs

Lodging charges on overnight trips

Admission fees paid to access record archives, libraries, and other facilities

Copying costs for certificates, official records, and other documents

Sub-contracting fees paid to researchers in distant locations

Administrative costs (printed materials, postage, supplies, etc.)

Special software needed to recover computer data